Helios Consulting Podcast Network

Episode 14: The Duality of Bosses

Helios Consulting Season 4 Episode 14

Our newest episode of A Penny For Your Thoughts with Kait and Lauren just dropped! 

This week's episode is based around the duality of bosses, the good ones, the bad ones, the important aspects of a leader and what people in a leadership role can do to be better or support their workforce in a better way. 


Both Lauren and Kait discuss their experiences with different bosses and how it affected them within the work environment, before and after leaving. They discuss what they've learned and things they have changed throughout their leadership journeys.


These two give amazing tips and tricks to deal with each kind of boss and some great advice to leaders! 


Leaders, need help taking the opinions and feedback of others?! Tune in!! These two wish for you to be the best you can be! 

Key Timestamps: 

0:00-3:58 – Intro and Catching up

4:05 – Our words are powerful

6:06 – The best bosses  ❤️

10:28 – The "worst" bosses (💀)

14:44 – How do you dial yourself in?

17:35 - The resiliency - it starts with you!

21:11 – Last words and Outro


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